# Website Headers This project generates a JavaScript file to be uploaded to our CDN. This file automatically generates metadata, favicons, styles, and scripts for all of our production pages. To work on the file locally, use `pnpm dev`. This command will compile the TypeScript into JavaScript and simultaneously run the resulting dev server in `src/develop.ts`. This allows you to iterate over changes quickly and watch them update in real time. When building the file, it is important to use `pnpm build` so that the minification step is run. Running `tsc` directly will bypass this step - while this is perfectly acceptable for debugging locally, the file MUST be minified before uploading to our CDN. ## Live Version This page is currently deployed. [View the live website.] ## Feedback and Bugs If you have feedback or a bug report, please feel free to open a GitHub issue! ## Contributing If you would like to contribute to the project, you may create a Pull Request containing your proposed changes and we will review it as soon as we are able! Please review our [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) first. ## Code of Conduct Before interacting with our community, please read our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License This software is licensed under our [global software license](https://docs.nhcarrigan.com/#/license). Copyright held by Naomi Carrigan. ## Contact We may be contacted through our [Chat Server](http://chat.nhcarrigan.com) or via email at `contact@nhcarrigan.com`.