import { Guild, EmbedBuilder, User } from "discord.js"; import { EmbedColours } from "../config/EmbedColours"; import { Action, ActionToPastTense } from "../interfaces/Action"; import { ExtendedClient } from "../interfaces/ExtendedClient"; import { getConfig } from "../modules/data/getConfig"; import { customSubstring } from "./customSubstring"; import { errorHandler } from "./errorHandler"; /** * Sends a manual moderation log. * * @param {ExtendedClient} bot The bot's Discord instance. * @param {Guild} guild The guild the action was taken in. * @param {User} user The user that was actioned. * @param {Action} action The action that was taken. * @param {string} reason The reason for the action. * @param {string} moderatorId The moderator that took the action. * @param {string[]} evidence The evidence for the action. * @param {boolean} notified Whether the user was notified of the action. * @param {number} caseNum The number assigned to the case. * @returns {string | null} The URL of the log message, or null if not sent. */ export const sendLogMessage = async ( bot: ExtendedClient, guild: Guild, user: User, action: Action, reason: string, moderatorId: string, evidence: string[], notified: boolean, caseNum: number ): Promise<{ url: string; embed: EmbedBuilder } | null> => { try { const config = await getConfig(bot,; if (!config.modLogChannel) { return null; } const channel = guild.channels.cache.get(config.modLogChannel) || (await guild.channels.fetch(config.modLogChannel)); if (!channel || !("send" in channel)) { return null; } const embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.setTitle(`Case ${caseNum}: User ${ActionToPastTense[action]}!`); embed.setDescription(customSubstring(reason, 4000)); embed.addFields( { name: "Moderator", value: `<@!${moderatorId}>`, inline: true }, { name: "User", value: `<@${}>`, inline: true }, { name: "Evidence", value: evidence.length > 0 ? evidence.join(", ") : "None", inline: false }, { name: "DM sent?", value: notified ? "Yes" : "No", inline: true } ); embed.setColor(EmbedColours[action]); embed.setAuthor({ name: user.tag, iconURL: user.displayAvatarURL() }); embed.setFooter({ text: `User ID: ${}` }); const caseLog = await channel.send({ embeds: [embed] }); return { url: caseLog.url, embed }; } catch (err) { await errorHandler(bot, "send log message", err); return null; } };