/** * @copyright nhcarrigan * @license Naomi's Public License * @author Naomi Carrigan */ import { suite, assert, test } from "vitest"; import { stylisticRules } from "../src/rules/stylistic.ts"; suite("Stylistic Configs", () => { test("should never be an error", () => { const rules = Object.entries(stylisticRules); for (const [ name, rule ] of rules) { if (Array.isArray(rule)) { assert.include( [ "off", "warn" ], rule.at(0), `${name} appears to be set to an error!`, ); continue; } if (typeof rule === "string") { assert.include( [ "off", "warn" ], rule, `${name} appears to be set to an error!`, ); continue; } assert.fail(`Could not determine rule type for ${name}!`); } }); });