import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import starlight from "@astrojs/starlight"; import { navigation } from "./src/components/navigation.ts"; export default defineConfig({ site: "", integrations: [starlight({ components: { Footer: "./src/components/Footer.astro", ThemeSelect: "./src/components/ThemeSelect.astro", ThemeProvider: "./src/components/ThemeProvider.astro", }, title: "NHCarrigan Docs", sidebar: navigation, tableOfContents: { minHeadingLevel: 2, maxHeadingLevel: 4}, description: "This site contains all of the documentation related to NHCarrigan, its Policies, and its Projects.", editLink: { baseUrl: "", label: "Edit this page on Codeberg" }, lastUpdated: true, social: { codeberg: "", discourse: "" }, head: [ { tag: "script", attrs: { type: "text/javascript", id: "hs-script-loader", async: true, defer: true, src: "" } }, { tag: "script", attrs: { type: "text/javascript", id: "analytics", src: "", defer: true, "data-domain": "" } }, { tag: "script", content: "window.plausible = window.plausible || function() { (window.plausible.q = window.plausible.q || []).push(arguments) }" }, { tag: "script", attrs: { type: "text/javascript", id: "trees", src: "", defer: true } }, { tag: "link", attrs: { rel: "icon", href: "/logo.png" } } ], customCss: [ "./src/styles/style.css", "./src/fonts/font-face.css" ], })] });