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<span class="cline-any cline-neutral"> </span>
<span class="cline-any cline-neutral"> </span></td><td class="text"><pre class="prettyprint lang-js">/**
* @copyright nhcarrigan
* @license Naomi's Public License
* @author Naomi Carrigan
import { responses } from "../i18n/responses.js";
* Translates a key to the specified locale, performing
* interpolation on the string.
* @param key -- The key to translate.
* @param locale -- The user's locale.
* @param interpolation -- An object of keys to replace with values.
* @returns The translated string.
export const i18n = <span class="cstat-no" title="statement not covered" ><span class="fstat-no" title="function not covered" >(</span></span>
key: keyof (typeof responses)["en"],
locale: string,
interpolation: Record<string, unknown> = <span class="branch-0 cbranch-no" title="branch not covered" >{},</span>
): string => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion -- We know the en key exists, but having the loose type helps.
const string = <span class="cstat-no" title="statement not covered" >responses[locale]?.[key] ?? responses.en![key];</span>
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-reduce -- This is the cleanest way to do it, really.
<span class="cstat-no" title="statement not covered" > return Object.entries(interpolation).reduce(<span class="fstat-no" title="function not covered" >(a</span>ccumulator, [ k, v ]) => {</span>
<span class="cstat-no" title="statement not covered" > return accumulator.replace(`{{${k}}}`, String(v));</span>
}, string);
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